Thursday 25 September 2014


Listen to the Earth. Listen to the birds and the wind.
Listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
Do you hear a lone chasm floating up from the ancient soil?

Oft we are so caught up in feeding our bodies, we forget to feed our souls. Therein lies our greatest woe, for that is when we cease to live, and begin to merely exist.

Tonight, I stand bare in the rain. 

I let it beckon me from the beating on my window pane.
I feel the whispers of the Earth,
And I realize once more the soil from which I was birthed.

The drops wash me anew,

Recreating the vessel Earth carved me into.

I fall to my knees in reverence, feeling the Earth feeding my soul.

I begin to hear once more.

I hear the wisdom of the Earth, travelling up past the soil, through the quivering air, floating into my ears like wavering notes.
If I turn off the shouting chaos, I can hear once more.

If I close my eyes to the ignorance, I can see the face of my God.

Clear as day - it's as deep as the night sky.
It's on the pinnacle of my fingertips, it spans across all space and time.

What has become my past, remains in my future,

But in that instant - has manifested itself into my present,
Engulfing me into waves of passion.
In which I come to life again, breathing, seeing, hearing.

I am a traveler on a path to find, then lose, only to find and lose once more.

What is it that I find and lose? That I do not yet know.

Sunday 21 September 2014

A Bitter Chocolate

You came knocking, 
You knocked and you weren't asking for a cup of sugar. 
You weren't looking,
You found something you could never hope to ask for. 

You played, 
A haunting doorbell on my heartstrings. 
You stayed, 
And you began to sway to the psychedelic melody. 

You drew out of me, 
Every charismatic trick up my sleeve. 
You ignored what you saw so blatantly, 
The poisonous thing I am. 

A sweet, slow dagger in your chest, 
You smile as if it doesn't pierce. 
I am the lesser of two evils at best, 
And you remain ever so unperturbed. 

A jackal shrieks and the wolf calls, 
There is no blue corn moon, the night is black. 
You'd best run before the last domino falls,
When Venus closes her petals - hell breaks loose.