Monday 7 April 2014

II. A Thirst Begun, A Thirst Quenched

'If Death be the ultimate parting, I wish you immortality. And if death be the start of a new life, I shall run you with a dagger this instant.' 

Tell your Gods it is not them I defy - it is me they instigate!
They birthed within me an unquenchable thirst and took away my well.

The glorious gardens of my life became a forest of thorns,
And my Eden became unbearable; the thorns, my inescapable hell.

What misfortune to have one's love remain unrequited,
Further misfortune when Lady Fortuna made it so, that cunning belle.

For my lover knows naught of the passion that runs in abundance,
Within me, she won't hear me, the none of my bad luck I can tell.

You see, she lies cold in the earth, her heart no longer does beat.
To profess my rapture, I must join her - the Gods do so compel.

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