Thursday 28 February 2013



A part of you latches on to every person you talk to, connect with.
You may think back and say, Dear God I am not that person, I just got carried away.
You'll feel shame and feel terrible to be even associated with or reminded of that person, be it friend or something more.
But you cannot deny that a part of you latches on to everyone.
There are fragments of the human soul embedded in everyone, whomever you have touched.


It's not necessarily a bad thing; you gain experience. But that's looking at it realistically. Just for tonight, look at it from a dream like view. Imagine each soul is a different hue, and that each person is now made up of a different hue. So each time a person touches you, even if for the briefest moment, you give them a piece of your hue. The ability to evoke real emotion in a person is the most intimate act anyone can do, and once they have done that, they forever own a piece of you.


But is it such a bad thing? I look at it as perhaps a good thing, or at least, something that just is. Leaving traces of your soul everywhere perhaps makes you more complete, doesn't it? In this roar of life, the soul is too often a quiet, fleeting thing, but perhaps the most powerful. Touching you in that instant, more powerfully than life ever could. I don't regret latching myself onto you, individual, I don't.

Thursday 7 February 2013


Sometimes I'd like to fall over the edge,
Just to see what would happen,
Just to see who would miss me.
And I know this is wrong,
I shouldn't care who would miss me and who wouldn’t
But I'm only human,
I cant help but wonder.

Sometimes I'd like to change myself completely,
Just to see what would happen,
Just to see who would still stand by me.
And I know this is wrong,
I shouldn’t test limits this much,
But I'm only human,
I cant help but wonder.

Sometimes I'd like to be just me,
Just to see what would happen,
Just to see who would accept me,
And I know this is wrong,
I shouldn’t fear acceptance,
But I'm only human,
I cant help but wonder.

I cant help but wonder,
If I'm the only one who doubts,
If I'm the only one who’s weak,
And the only one who's reckless..
I'm only human.

I'm falling over the edge,
I'm changing completely,
And I'm finally being me.
Will you miss me?
And stand by me?
And will you accept me,
For who I am?

You see,
I’m only human,
I can’t help but wonder.


Because even though I'm not a Muslim, I feel so strongly about this issue. I am a human, and discrimination affects us all. 

I shortened Osama to Sam, because people called me Osama-bin-Laden. 
I stopped wearing my hijab, because people stared like I'd committed a sin.  
I shortened Mohammed to Moe, because people called me a terrorist. 
I was shunned and scorned, they called me jihadi, an Islamic extremist. 
I get called Terrorist, like it's a nationality. 
Because stereotypes, well, they're people's mentality. 
Pakistan, Saudi, Iran, Afghanistan,
They all became "Terrosistan." 
If they hear me speaking in Arabic or Urdu, 
That automatically translates to, "You must be a terrorist, too."
To the world, the word Muslim means terrorist and Islam means jihad, 
We're all terrorists if we come from places like Baghdad or Islamabad. 
Muslims are always linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba and associated with Al-Qaeda, 
The world forgets the peaceful Islam, of Allah, and holy Mecca and Madina. 
You say the Qu'ran tells us to kill all Americans and wage wars on His behalf, 
But our Qu'an teaches us how to prosper and thrive, to live, love and laugh. 
The world is infected with a disease called prejudice, they all have Islamophobia,
We are the victims of unjust, no, she is not hiding a bomb in her abayah. 
You see Muslims aren't terrorists and terrorists aren't Muslim, 
But no one believes that so I changed my name from Tariq to Tim. 
I change my name, take off my belief and hope no one will see, 
Because I'm a just a Muslim, not a terrorist, but they don't believe me.